Sogdian-language Slave Contract of 639 from Astana Graveyard at Turfan
“Chinatown” Gaochang Kingdom (442-640) Turfan)
Female Slave, unknown age
Upach, “from the family of Chuyakk and was born in Turkestan, from Wakhushuvirt,
son of Tudhakk originating from Samarqand.”
Wakhushuvirt, “no longer has any concern with her, renounces all the
old [claims to Upach].”
Monk Yansyan and his descendants, “may at will hit her, abuse her, bind
her, sell her off, pledge her, give and offer her as a gift, and do whatsoever
they may wish.”
Chief Scribe
Pator signs, “by the order of [the father] Wakhushuvirt, and with the
consent of [his daughter] Upach.”